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光伏电池电气性能的评测——脉冲式I-V测量Pulsed I-V Measurements
majack | 2011-06-30 10:16:42    阅读:992   发布文章


In addition to DC I-V and capacitance measurements, pulsed I-V measurements may be useful for deriving parameters of a solar cell. In particular, pulsed I-V measurements have been useful in determining the conversion efficiency, minimum carrier lifetime, and the effects of cell capacitance.




The PV measurements detailed here can be made quickly and simply by using an automated test system designed for evaluating semiconductors, such as the Model 4200-SCS Semiconductor Characterization System from Keithley Instruments.[4] The system can source and sink current using a four-probe approach, and make software-controlled measurements of current, voltage, and capacitance. The system can be outfitted with a variety of source and measurement modules to make continuous and pulsed I‑V and C‑V measurements for deriving important PV cell parameters. For example, the system can be connected to a PV cell to perform a pulsed I‑V sweep using a Model 4225-PMU module (Fig. 8).[5] In addition to sourcing a pulsed voltage, the PMU can sink current so it can measure a solar cell’s output current as shown in Fig 9. The Model 4200-SCS system is supported by a wide array of hardware modules and software measurement function libraries.







8. 4225-PMU模块可用于PV电池的脉冲式I-V测量

Fig 8. The Model 4225-PMU module can be used to make pulsed I‑V measurements on a PV cell.


9. PV电池脉冲式I-V测量的绘图表示曲线

Fig 9. This curve is a graphical representation of pulsed I‑V measurements on a silicon PV cell.




MaryAnne Tupta是吉时利仪器公司高级应用工程师。她在John Carroll大学获得物理/电子工程学士学位和物理学硕士学位。她自1988年以来一直帮助吉时利的用户进行仪器应用工作。她的联系电话是440-498-2715电子邮箱为


About the Author

MaryAnne Tupta is a senior applications engineer at Keithley Instruments, Inc. She earned a B.S. in physics/electronic engineering and an M.S. in physics from John Carroll University. She has assisted Keithley customers with instrument applications since 1988. She can be reached at 440-498-2715 or

[1] 脉冲式I-V、Q点、双通道、脉冲工具包

[2] 4225-PMU超快I-V模块

[3] 4200-SCS型半导体特征分析系统

[4] 吉时利仪器公司“基于4200-SCS半导体特征分析系统的光伏材料与太阳能电池电气特征分析”3026号应用笔记


