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生产环境下高亮度LED的高精度高性价比测试—— LED的漏电流测试
majack | 2011-07-15 09:34:44    阅读:665   发布文章


Leakage Current Tests

Normally, moderate voltage levels (volts to tens of volts) are used to measure a leakage current (IL). The leakage current test measures the low-level current that leaks across the LED when a reverse voltage less than breakdown is applied. It is a common practice for leakage measurements, and more generally for isolation measurements, to make sure only that a certain threshold is not exceeded in production. There are two reasons for this. First, low current measurements require longer settling times, so they take longer to complete. Second, environmental interference and electrical noise exert greater influence on low-level signals, so extra care in shielding is required. This extra shielding complicates the test fixture and may interfere with automated handlers.





[1] 漏电流:

[2] 误差:

[3] 干扰噪声:


