"); //-->
node[1].smua.source.func = node[1].smua.OUTPUT _ DCVOLTS
node[1].smua.source.levelv = 0
MASTER = node[1] --Alias indicating control is via Node 1
SLAVE = node[2] --Node 2 is controlled by MASTER via TSP-Link
IOUT1 = MASTER.smua --Alias for SMU measuring current output #1
--IOUT1 is equivalent to node[1].smua
IOUT2 = MASTER.smub --Alias for SMU measuring current output #2
--IOUT2 is equivalent to node[1].smub
DIO = MASTER.digio --Alias for Digital I/O of 2602 #1
--DIO is equivalent to node[1].digio
VPLUS = SLAVE.smua --Alias for SMU supplying V+ and measuring current draw
--VPLUS is equivalent to node[2].smua
VREF = SLAVE.smub --Alias for SMU supplying reference voltage (Vref)
--VREF is equivalent to node[2].smub
IOUT1.source.levelv = 0
通常,脚本语言[3]不需要明确声明变量。根据对其的赋值,它们被声明和定义为 “on the fly”。但表格(也就是数组)除外, 它们必须定义数据类型。所有变量都是全局的,除非明确声明为本地的。在代码片段出现以下“常数”:
Vref = 10 --Use +10VDC reference voltage
IoutMax = 0.002 --Max expected current output
Nplc = 0.001 --Integration time for SMU A-to-D converters (in terms of power line cycles)
Nbits = 8 --Number of DAC control bits (digital inputs)
Ncodes = 2^Nbits --Number of possible control codes
MaxCode = Ncodes - 1 --Decimal equivalent of full-scale code (255 for 8-bit DAC)
Lsb = Vref / MaxCode --Nominal value of least significant bit
在开始实际测试序列之前,一般要对仪器进行某些初始设置。在我们的示例中,初始设置包括设置源函数及范围、测量函数及范围、电压检测模式等等。所有这4个源-测量单元[4]的配置都是类似的。对于节点1的SMU A,某些设置命令如下:
MASTER.reset() --Reset all Node 1 logical instruments to default settings
IOUT1.sense = IOUT1.SENSE_REMOTE --Use REMOTE (4-wire) voltage sensing
IOUT1.source.func = IOUT1.OUTPUT_DCVOLTS --Configure SMU to source DCV
IOUT1.source.rangev = 0 --Set voltage source ranges;
--2602 picks appropriate range based on programmed value
IOUT1.source.levelv = 0 --To measure current, source zero volts on lowest range
IOUT1.source.limiti = 1.2 * IoutMax --Set current compliance limit (20% over max)
IOUT1.measure.nplc = Nplc --Set integration times for all measurements
IOUT1.measure.autozero = IOUT1.AUTOZERO_AUTO --Autozero for max accuracy;
IOUT1.measure.rangei = IoutMax --Set up current measurement range; Measurement
--range for source function fixed at source range val
IOUT1.measure.filter.type = IOUT1.FILTER_REPEAT_AVG --Use REPEAT filter
IOUT1.measure.filter.count = 5 --Reading will be average of 5 consecutive measurements
IOUT1.measure.filter.enable = IOUT1.FILTER_ON --Enable Node 1 SMU A digital filter
--Set measurement parameters the 2602s will display (if display is enabled)
--Displays can be disabled to improve test speed
MASTER.display.screen = MASTER.display.SMUA_SMUB --Digital port isn’t affected by reset so user must set desired initial state
DIO.writeport(0) --Set all digital control bits to zero
DIO.writeprotect(16128) --Write protect bits 9 through 14, which are reserved for
--component handler control in this example.
在初始设置完成后,将进行DAC测试。这里只给出在IOUT1端的INL与DNL测试。对于其他测试,请参见完整的测试脚本。注意:数字源表仪器始终“假定”其通过内部源测试电流。在这种情况下,正电流从端点流出,负电流从端点流入。根据这种规定,源表将以纯电流表模式运行,如节点1的SMU A和SMU B,其测量到的极性与使用典型电流表时的极性是相反的。从电路流入数字源表[5]仪器的正向电流,将作为负电流测量,反之亦然。
IOUT1.source.output = IOUT1.OUTPUT_ON --Turn ON SMU outputs
iout1 = {} --Declare table to hold measurements at output IOUT1; table index begins with 1
for j = 0, MaxCode do --j is the code applied to the digital inputs
DIO.writeport(j) --Apply digital inputs
delay(0.001) --Allow 1ms settling time
iout1[j+1] = -IOUT1.measure.i() --Minus sign corrects for polarity of measurements
end –for
IOUT1.source.output = IOUT1.OUTPUT_OFF --Turn OFF outputs of all SMUs
--Compute maximum integral nonlinearity(INL)
--Check for monotonicity; Compute maximum differential nonlinearity(DNL)
--Slope_bf and intercept_bf are the slope and intercept of the best-fit straight line
inlmax_iout1 = 0
dnlmax_iout1 = 0
mono_iout1 = “Monotonic”
for j = 0, MaxCode do
inl_iout1 = math.abs(iout1[j+1]-(slope_bf * j + intercept_bf)) --Calcs for IOUT1
if inl_iout1 > inlmax_iout1 then
inlmax_iout1 = inl_iout1
end --if
if j > 0 then
--Test for monotonicity
diff_iout1 = iout1[j] – iout1[j-1]
if diff_iout1 < 0 then
mono_iout1 = “NON-Monotonic”
end --if
--Compute dnl and test for max.
dnl_iout1 = math.abs(diff_iout1 – Lsb)
if dnl_iout1 > dnlmax_iout1 then
dnlmax_iout1 = dnl_iout1
end –if
end --if
end --for
inl_iout1_lsb = inlmax_iout1 / Lsb --Express INL and DNL in terms of nominal LSB
dnl_iout1_lsb = dnlmax_iout1 / Lsb
一旦计算出各种DAC参数,TSP将检测数值并确定器件的通过/失效状态。然后,它通过向节点1 DIO端口写入数字位模式,向器件机械手发送正确的分拣命令。
if PartStatus =”GOOD” then
DIO.writeport(GoodBitPattern) --Send “good part” bit pattern to component handler
DIO.writeport(BadBitPattern) --Send “bad part” bit pattern to component handler end –if
--Send the monotonicity results and max INL and DNL values measured at IOUT1
print(string.format(“%s, %1.2f, %1.2f”, mono_iout1, dnl_iout1_lsb, inl_iout1_lsb))
--Display INL & DNL on front panel displays
MASTER.display.settext(string.format(“INL= %1.2f LSBs”, inl_iout1_lsb))
MASTER.display.settext(string.format(“DNL= %1.2f LSBs, dnl_iout1_lsb))
[1] 2510-AT型自动温度控制(TEC)源表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/specialtysystems/tempcontr/?mn=2510-AT
[2] 2600系列测试脚本处理器http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/currentvoltage/2602
[3] 脚本语言 http://www.keithley.com.cn/news/prod090827
[4] 半导体源测量单元 (SMUs) http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/semiconductor/sourcemeasureunits
[5] 数字源表 http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/currentvoltage